Bega High School

Respect, Responsibility and Effort

Telephone02 6492 9000

About our school

Bega High School is a large comprehensive rural secondary school located in the Bega valley, in the south east of NSW.  It situated at least fifty five kilometres from the nearest other government secondary school. The school's students, including 13% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, are drawn from Bega and surrounds, including the towns of Cobargo to the north, Bemboka to the west, Merimbula to the south and everywhere in between. In September 2017, Bega High had 742 student enrolments.

The school has developed a curriculum directed at serving the diverse needs of the students, with the focus of effort, respect and responsibility valued by all members of the school community. Bega High has established a reputation in academic excellence, in creative arts, in sport, in vocational education and broad general education. The school also offers a wide range of curriculum options, extra-curricular experiences, employment-related learning, and more specialised courses to enable our students to move into local industry and to prepare them to effectively compete for entry to tertiary institutions in larger centres.

The school enjoys and fosters positive relationships with its local community to maximise learning opportunities for its students in its partnerships with the University of Wollongong, local commercial enterprises, TAFE NSW and government and non-government organisations. As one of two high schools in the Sapphire Coast Learning Community (SCLC), Bega High School works in partnership with thirteen primary schools, in providing excellence in education that prepares students to be skilled lifelong learners and responsible, compassionate citizens. 

Bega High School's Special Education faculty comprises multi-categorical, emotional disturbance, moderate intellectual disability, mild intellectual disability and severe intellectual disability classes. Bega High School and Eden Marine High School share a Trade Training Centre for students to attain certificate level training without leaving the area. Delivery of vocational educational frameworks in construction, primary industries and metals and engineering are the focus.